Privacy Statement

[GSF Energy B.V. (Airturb)] Privacy Statement
The protection of personal data is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter referred to as: GDPR). [GSF Energy B.V. – Airturb] is the controller in respect of the GDPR. This means [GSF Energy B.V. – Airturb] decides what personal data is processed, for what purpose, and how. [GSF Energy B.V. – Airturb] is responsible for ensuring the personal data it receives from you is processed in accordance with the GDPR and in an appropriate and careful manner.

The purpose of processing personal data
[GSF Energy B.V. – Airturb] must be able to base the use of personal data on the principles of article 6 of the GDPR. On the basis of this article, it is permitted, amongst others, to process this data ​​if the person in question has given permission (article 6, paragraph 1, under a) of the GDPR).

With your permission, [GSF Energy B.V. – Airturb] sends newsletters / information / offers to the email address you provided. You can visit the [GSF Energy B.V. – Airturb] website or register at one of the events by filling out a form. When you register, you give permission for the processing of your email address by entering your email address and name and ticking the relevant boxes and clicking them. You cannot send the registration form without this explicit permission.

You can always withdraw your permission by sending an email to [], or by clicking “unsubscribe” in the emails you receive from [GSF Energy B.V. – Airturb].

Sharing of information
[GSF Energy B.V. – Airturb] does not share your data with third parties.

Security of personal data
Article 32 of the GDPR obliges [GSF Energy B.V. – Airturb] to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to prevent the loss or unauthorised use of personal data.

[GSF Energy B.V. – Airturb] therefore ensures appropriate protection of the personal data it stores in accordance with applicable statutory obligations and guidelines.

Retention term for personal data
[GSF Energy B.V. – Airturb] may not retain your email address for longer than necessary for data processing (article 5, paragraph 1, under e) of the GDPR). This means that [GSF Energy B.V. – Airturb] removes your name and email address as soon as you inform [GSF Energy B.V. – Airturb] – that you no longer wish to receive the newsletter. Your rights. You are entitled to view

Your personal data
(Article 15 of the GDPR) and you are entitled to request removal or rectification of your personal data (articles 16 and 17 of the GDPR). You may request a copy from:

GSF Energy B.V. – Airturb
Stationsplein 45 A4.004
3013AK Rotterdam
the Netherlands